
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that keyboards count as difficult terrain...

Whilst watching our national embarrassment play out on the news, I was at home, fortifying my 15mm defenses by assembling my Team Yankee LAV-25 and TOW missile equipped Humvees. The irony of assembling a WWIII army whilst rioters had raided the US Capitol building just a few hours earlier is not lost on me. 

They're simple little kits that go together quite easily. That said...Screech has informed me that my two A-10s are reportedly rage inducing according to a mutual friend of ours who has already built them. If that turns out to be true, then perhaps one of my infamous Nerd-RAGE!!!! rant posts is in the future? lol, we shall see.


I got these three for $20 along with what I had thought was an M-113 sprue. Instead it turned out to just be an M-113 upgrade sprue (because I apparently can't read). These were actually my first Team Yankee minis purchased, with the prepainted Abrams horde being bought just a little while later. Speaking of, I asked the Abrams' seller what paints he had used and inconveniently, all of them were both oil-based and OOP. So trying to match those paint jobs ought to be fun (but hopefully doable, due to my collection of 'army' colors).

I suppose I ought to try playing a game or two of TY before buying anymore stuff for it but...well, you all know how that goes.