Wow ive finished an army, and quickly at that.

I guess it helps that Games Workshop didnt release loads of new models for the army this year.  Now I am picking up my World Eater army again, and looking at Thousand sons...  better not get ahead of myself just yet.

Anyway the DeathGuard! following some paint guides from youtube for contrast based schemes that made it straightforward and simple to get an effective looking army.

here are some pictures of the army:

Big army shot, including some Gellarpox, Heros3 and all the pestilent fun of the fair!  The majority were from the Conquest subscription.

                                                            from the right
from the left
                                                 Winged deamons!

Purchasing another full foetid bloat drone kit, quickly and easily allows you to have one armed with the harvester and the other with heavy blight launcher.  Allowing you to send those inefficient plaguespurters to the bitz pile.

And that is a finecast deamon prince with AoS plague drone wings so nice and light.
nurgley terminator armour! typhyus and homies represent.
The deathshroud with chamption (re. felthius)
Another angle on the Blightlord Terminators 7 models strong.

Heres a cheap take on the Lord of Virulence (LoV).  Using the plaguespurter from the tainted cohort, a spare plaguespurter nozzle from a plagueburst crawler, and then realising i could convert it into the LoV after already painting and basing it... so just sticking it on top of a larger appropriate base... and you have a LoV

Good use of a model that doesnt come with a melee weapon, the "plague claw" matches up with the deformed claw hand it has.

The full list breakdown:


Winged Daemon prince


Lord Of Contagion

Lord of Virulence

2x Malignant Plaguecasters

Biologus Putrifier + Foul Blightspawn + Noxious Blightbringer + Plague Surgeon + Tallyman

31x Poxwalkers

21x Plague Marines

7 Blightlords

4x Deathshroud

2x Rhino's

2x Plagueburst Crawlers

2x Foetid Bloat-drones

Myphitic Blight Hauler

and The Gellarpox infected

Not a bad start to 2021.