DeathGuard – quick to done!

 Wow ive finished an army, and quickly at that.I guess it helps that Games Workshop didnt release loads of new models for the army this year.  Now I am picking up my World Eater army again, and looking at Thousand sons...  better not get ahead of myself...

Why hello again internet

Oh and i bought the chapel off ebay too Long time no see!so what have i been up to in this long absence of time?many things, many things.  I got a new job pretty much after i uploaded the last post.  And so that has sucked up a lot of my time, its...

necron HQ pics

a little late as i finished these a while ago, but heres some nice eye candy for ya: destroyer lord rawr!converted with regular destroyer, and parts from the overlord from the barge i have. use that driver with the eye thingy as it fits the exsisting destroyer...

the auctions are live!

head here on an auction, and enter a million poundsi dare you (^_^)ciao