Space marines in, in... camouflage?!?!

Wut da fuk...?


Once again I contradict myself. What is it I almost continuously rail about in regards to 40k currently? Primaris Marines. And what is it that I painted this week? A Primaris marine. Facepalm.

Yes, this pic is relevant...

Actually I've been wanting to paint one of these guys up in camouflage for quite awhile for whatever reason. So after finishing up the my two Humvees for Team Yankee earlier this week (which came out really, really well), I figured: eh, what the hell...and so here we are. 

You'll note that not only is this marine painted in the classic, Desert Storm era chocolate chip pattern camo, but he's also bereft of iconography aside from a contrasting OD green Aquila on his chest plate (which likely does NOT mean he's from somebody's 4th battle company...). can mean only one thing. 

Yep, it's the Alpha Legion. Betcha didn't see that coming did you? Hehehe, a little bit of camo-humor there...and uh, moving on...

Curiously, whereas the caked on desert dust wash works quite well on my Incandescent Coyotes, I don't really like it on this desert camo marine. Naturally that makes no sense whatsoever.

This was more or less and exercise with two goals. (1) do I like the look of this? Answer: Yes, just sans the aforementioned dust wash. (2) Is this so laborious to do so as to make painting more than a handful unfeasible? Answer: no...not really. Honestly it was far easier and quicker than I had expected. It would have been even quicker were the mini not primed green to begin with. As for painting more than a few's me. So that answers that.

I pondered iconography for quite a bit, and ultimately skipped it as this was just a test marine anyways. For some reason I kept gravitating towards the Blood Angels, and indeed there is a long, mostly-forgotten precedent for camo'ed BA. The readily available black icons ought to look good on this camo as well, though technically the Space Wolves and Black Templars icons would fit into that category as well. 

For right now though, we'll just go with Alpha Legion. I'm thinking I'll just put this guy on one of the shelves in my cube at work and ponder the idea for awhile before proceeding any further in this direction.  

(Note: Primaris marine pics replaced after publishing due to better lighting here at work.)