
As seen on eBay...

This is a cool, if statically posed mini with a...well, rather ugly head. I wasn't too keen on the big power coils on his backpack either. As such, I decided to do a little conversion. First up: remove that ugly mug of his. 

As an aside, when I first googled 'Larsen Van Der Grauss', Google instead asked: 'Did you mean Luther Vandross?' That's hilarious and as I've seen converted the above mini, I do believe that this will be his new name!


Anyways, back on topic: unfortunately for me, Larsen didn't take too kindly to having his head cut off and as I was trimming out it's remains, Larsen offered me some ocular implants with which to reconsider my decision. I declined his 'offer' however and instead removed the above two plastic bits from my left eye! Yeah, notta pleasant experience. 

So much better.

At that point, with my eye irritated all to hell (and my demeanor not much better) I quit for the night. The following evening went much easier as Larsen Luther was now headless. I trimmed the helm from a Skitarii Alpha a little at the bottom front so he would be looking down at his laptop/scanner thingy, and glued it into place. I then trimmed out the center of his power coils reducing them to a much more pleasing to me height. Lastly I glued him onto a Mechanicum base. 

That goes for his power pack as well. 

I have a grand total of 8 AdMech minis, which will serve as a small allied contingent to my Incandescent Coyotes. They will bring the army up to 750ish points. Luther here will serve as a Mechanicum-aligned Ordo Minoris Inquisitor. His gun will serve as a hot-shot lasgun and when fielding him I'll ignore the chain sword that he so clearly lacks (as well as any other HTH weaponry). 

Once I get some black primer, he will be inducted into the endless painting queue.