
I'm quite certain that those runes are insulting in one language or another...

T'was a busy week, but I did manage a little bit of hobby time. Finally managing to get some flat black Panzer grey primer (the latter was close enough, since the former is sold out everywhere locally). As such I primed my small contingent of AdMech minis. They'll serve as an allied contingent to my Incandescent Coyotes, though theoretically they'll likely work well with any of my space marine armies. 

I can easily imagine that incense brazier getting caught on something and yanking this guy off of his feet as a (comical) result. 

This mini is my first WIP model which it was later pointed out to me on FB resembles the paint scheme of the Deimos Forge World. That just happens to be purely coincidental, not that I figured I'd have any sort of original color scheme by this point. Indeed, I'm sure that every possible variation of any possible color scheme has been tried by somebody somewhere. 

Not sure if that'll be just a unit marking, or that of his parent Forge World.

I'm liking it thus far. As per the norm, I thought I was ready to start inking, but instead noticed a slew of needed touch ups in the photos. After fixing those issues, I'll head on to the weathering. Given that these guys are intended to back up my Coyotes, they'll eventually be slathered in the dust wash which will later be blended in once dry for a truly dust caked appearance. No worries though, I'm sure that all of that grit has no ill-effect on Skitarii performance, nor requires any added maintenance needs...

This one's pose with the blade is a little awkward, but it works.

Also, I cranked out another Eldar Corsair. These guys really are simple speed paints which is a nice change from the somewhat tedious norm. This particular model wasn't present for his squad's battlefield debut, however he looks forward to slaughtering some Ratlings just like his brethren did!

SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THR-oh wait! Wrong army...