Why am I painting Ghar again?

Best I can offer you is this: who the hell knows...

Sorry, these indoor pics kinda suck, but I ran out of daylight...

There ya go, the view that most of their foes see: the backsides of these little buggers as they flee for their lives!

I tried eBaying off my previous little Ghar rebel army for close to 6 months to no avail, and eventually gave 'em to my buddy Bob who already had a small Ghar force of some sort (I think). When I got rid of 'em, I included the rule book as well. It's not like I ever played the game, nor is anybody else here locally either. In all honesty, I really don't like any models other than just the basic outcasts (no, not even the Black Guard barring just the one that I have). 

Lovely little cannon once assembled. Assembling it so that the gun itself sits level however...

Anyways, I had kept my original, lone Outcast and had called it a day on Beyond the Gates of Antares...or at least until I stumbled across a NIB, sealed outcast box for $20 on eBay. So here we are again...even less of a force than before. No rules. Neither any hope of, nor intent to actually play the game. Yet I'm painting Ghar rather than my new Orks, the still on the sprue DKK and Ork Terrain, or any of the other myriad new toys that I bought in my last spending spree. Nope, I'm painting Ghar (well, and Battletech minis who have earned their paint jobs in glorious combat). 

Yeah there they go too! It seems that these two are no braver than their compatriots...

These are fairly close though not entirely consistent with my original outcast mini. However they're rebels, so they're not really supposed to be I'd imagine. The lugger guns and disruptor cannon walker on these few are rusted all to hell, having been scavenged from long discarded battlefield detritus. Not all of them will have rusty weaponry though, as I'd imagine that there are at least a few who managed to maintain a white knuckled grip on their guns when fleeing from combat. 
I would imagine that following a battle, once the Ghar forces moved on Fartok's Blackguard would drop in an operative or two to seek out equipment to salvage and outcast survivors to either recruit or else form into insurgent cells such as this one (not that a lone squad of outcasts will strike fear into the hearts of...well anyone). 

The squad so far.

With these five minis now painted, I have just 4 more to go. Hopefully they will scratch the itch sufficiently enough to not encourage any further needless expansion into this seemingly dead game system. That said, there is a somewhat deranged thought that's been rattling around my head here recently to buy several squads of these outcasts, call them Hrud, and use 'em as counts as Imperial Ghard, because you know. I play 40k anymore as often as I do Antares...