The title says it all really. I got a bit excited painting this mini and as such Lt. Horridus kind of left his two subordinate assault intercessors in the dust. They're still in the paint queue though and I hope to finish them sometime in the next week or so. Anyways enough rambling, here he is:

Once again I loathe whomever it was that decided on the helmet stripes to visually identify a Lieutenant. 

I'm still fond of the urban camo, though as always it's effectiveness is suspect at best. 

Originally he was going to be a Captain, armed with the relic version of the master crafted auto bolt rifle. Oh well, this still looks better than the bolt rifles used by the other lieutenants. 

Again, note non-standard Astartes Chainsword, suck it primaris purists! I started scribbling in the margins of the Codex Astartes just as soon as I started applying camo! 

I'm quite certain that those scribbles on his pauldron banner say something heroic.