
I knocked out a quick mini last week in between assembling the parts for my DKK diorama. If you haven't already heard, white contrast paint is in fact the shit when it comes to painting white minis. As such this is the first, fully painted Apothecary that I've fielded since...4th? or maybe 5th ed 40K?  Granted, for a good while there they were also kinda worthless on the tabletop giving little incentive to fight with the white paint. 

Even in natural light he looks washed out. For example: the base he's standing on is actually painted bleached bone. 

Not sure if having all of the various bottles be transparent makes any actual sense, but it does add a bit of visual interest I suppose. 

The business end of an Apothecary. 

This is one of the firstborn minis gifted to me by Kushial way back when, and he's painted to match my Incandescent Coyotes chapter. If there's one complaint with this guy, it's that the sand wash that make my Coyotes look like they're weathered all to hell, didn't work out so well with the white paint job. Oh well, whatever, this guy is the only white marine in the army.  


...much better!

Speaking of, I also went back and repainted the bases of my previously painted combat squad. They look much better now I think as the dust that cakes their armor and equipment now more closely matches the bases that they're standing on. This minor alteration to the squad and the painting of the Apothecary above however are the extent of any forward progress on this army aside from having more squads from my collection being assigned to this army, but more on that at a later date...


This past weekend I actually managed to get a game in with Neverness! Unfortunately for me, my phone was almost dead when I got to the FLGS, so I took few photos. However you're in luck as he took extensive photos and will be posting a battle report later this week, so stay tuned!

A preview pic showing my camo-Smurfs actually doing a decent job of blending in with local terrain!