Frankie carefully choosing his maneuvers, with his dial hidden from my view beneath the table (because you know, they're so transparent to begin with...).


Frankie stayed home with us this past weekend, so as per our usual when he does so, the two of us spent a few hours at the FLGS playing a game of X-Wing. Our game was already well under way before I ever thought to take any photos, so instead of the usual bat rep, what follows are just a few highlights. 

This was the first time I've used my beloved Scarlet Harlot since we've started playing again (necessitating it's removal from retirement in the display case). The ship, purchased as a Rebel Sympathizer and with Lando Calrissian at the helm would survive the game with only minor damage. 

Once again Frankie wanted the rather large (star wars legion sized) 3D printed asteroid terrain. We decided that fighters could pass thru the arch unhindered as his red canopied TIE did the turn before, and my Z-95 was doing in this turn (though you can barely see it). 

I would allow his Decimator to make that turn without flying off of the board (as that would have effectively ended the game prematurely). However my ARC-170 inflicted a critical hit that rendered all further hard turns as stress maneuvers which greatly hindered the ship's already poor handling. 

RAMMING SPEED!!! Seriously, this ability is the ONLY reason to use the Decimator. Though the Harlot's Anti-pursuit lasers chipped a point of damage off of the Decimator as well!

As the big ships sized each other up for another close and punishing pass, I would cash that earlier favor to allow the Decimator to remain on the board when I misread which direction Zev's TIE was facing and picked a maneuver that would run it straight off of the board. However Frankie promptly blew it to pieces afterwards so I guess it was a moot point.

By this point, the Decimator was on it's own and collecting both standard damage cards and crits like it was a hobby. I was down to the Scarlet and a Z-95 though the latter was well out of position and would play no more part in the game. Lamenting his choice of terrain, I 'saved' Frankie from an inevitable collision with a rather large rock next turn by finishing off the Decimator. 

His three crits which really made the Decimator's life difficult, though he was at least able to flip the left-most card over, prolonging the ship's lifespan for another turn. He ought to have flipped the center one over as well as I read it now, but I think it was only in effect for one extra turn where he thankfully would've turned anyhow. 


While Frankie enjoyed the ability to hit enemy ships intentionally to cause damage, as well as the high speed and maneuverability of the TIE fighters, he didn't like the TIE's fragility at all! When I asked what he thought about playing the Empire, his response was simple: Never again

Next time he wants to try Scum and Villainy, though he's also made it clear he'd like to try some other games as well. Cue the Space Marines...