On my signal, unleash hell...

A few months back, I bought a squad of assembled and (mostly) base coated silver Intercessors to serve as reinforcements for my Silver Drakes due to my Ultramarines army having substantially depleted the Drakes' numbers. Naturally though, as I was on a Smurf painting kick at that moment, 3 of these new recruits were commandeered by GW's poster boys.  

Of the remaining seven, there was a sergeant model (as well as one of the aforementioned Ultramarine converts) who was painted in the prior owner's chapter colors: Silver bodies, red arms, and black pauldrons. No idea if that's a canon color scheme or a homebrew, but they stood out like a sore thumb amongst my painted, unpainted and base coated marines alike. Thus, it's likely that my last painted marine of 2021 is this repainted Silver Drakes Sergeant. 

Its curious at how a bigger scope (and presumably different ammo) change this rifle into a heavy weapon.

No doubt the Heavy Support chevron on his pauldron has likely already raised an eyebrow or two. My Silver Drakes army is a small, 500pt patrol list. Marked out as the 8th reserve company by their purple chest aquilas, all of the company's squads are intercessors.  As such this sergeant's squad is armed with stalker pattern bolt rifles, serving as the army's light fire support unit. 

I'm sure that even the mention of the stalker bolt rifles will elicit cries of disbelief as I've never once seen them fielded by anybody! Indeed, there are obviously far better options available. Still, stalker intercessors are where future Eliminators come from and besdies, it's just a fucking patrol. It's not supposed to be a well rounded force. 

Boy cutting the decal just right around that braided cord on his pauldron was a treat. Kinda hard to see due to the wash, but it does line up beneath said cording. 

If it makes everyone feel better, the Drakes are likely to get my servo-strike bofors turret, as well. Whilst that was originally planned to go to the Smurfs, Neverness had suggested that I get more Hellblasters after our last game. 

Sci-Fi City in Knoxville which is conveniently located on the route I take to my folks' house is (was?) having a 30% off everything sale. As such the Utramarines' Hellblaster corps increased by another ten, which with the removal of the turret from their list, ought to round that army out to about an even 1k. 

Some day this squad is going to cause a lot of hurt.