...we put a house under contract. Huzzah! 

The sheep is no doubt wary of that armed swine standing guard...

I've lived in my little house for 20 years now and do you have any idea just how much stuff I have squirreled away in here??? So much for painting/hobby time. That said I will keep the Tau aside in hopes that maybe somewhere in the coming month(s?) I can maybe sneak in a game with Neverness

Clone Trooper type: Unknown, Unit type: Unknown, Location: Isn't it always somewhere in the Outer Rim?, Pre/Post Order 66: Unknown.

 We had planned to play this past Saturday. However a predicted (though still freak) snow storm nixed that as he both gets to work outside/on the road and also lives up in the mountainous hinterlands of eastern Tennessee. That said it was a good day to go house hunting as the inclement weather easily answered questions like 'will this driveway be an issue in bad weather?' (answer: no., etc.). 

This mini was a freebee that I'd gotten way back when I was painting stuff for Star Wars Legion. He's been on my desk since then, and I gave hime a quick and ugly paint job while waiting to hear on whether our offer had been accepted, counter offer, waiting on documents to sign, etc. T'was a nervous evening for sure and this mini helped me wade thru the tension.

Prior to our sudden change in life plans, I did get the Pathfinders (sans drones) assembled and base coated at least. As such, in a few months' time when the dust settles, hopefully I can restart on them and bring this project to its (now) eventual conclusion. 

The clone is now stationed on my desk at work, waging an eternal war with my chocolate chip marine for control of my computer's secondary monitor (my primary monitor is under Tau jurisdiction).