You can buy these here.

 They will likely be my last eBay purchase before I move. Sizing up at about 40mm in diameter, 1/16th to 1/8th thick, laser cut brushed steel, yes they're a bit pricey but oh so nice! I went with the generic Aquila design, because the Tau markers were only 30mm in diameter and 40mm is the 'official' objective size.

Here's my Baxter 'helping'...

In other news, packing has commenced and as such my house looks like a warzone. Indeed even my Space Marines are packed up as are the majority of my Orks, Eldar, Bolt Action, Star Wars Legion, and some other bits and bobs. Yet is still looks like I've hardly put a dent in my gaming collection. 


The falcon was a terrain piece, whereas that Piranha was the old Forgeworld model. 

I also unearthed some old photos whilst sifting thru the menagerie. The above was my last fully painted Tau army circa 2007. This was taken at Gamesday Atlanta's 40k fiasco Grand Tourney (the guy that ran it every year was woefully unqualified). As usual, I placed somewhere in the middle of the pack, though the GW painting judge really liked my army despite not having a display base unlike my opponent for that round. Speaking of...

Rob Baer's 's Iron Warriors and display board. 

Said opponent was none other than the alarmingly young (16ish I think?) Robert Baer of Spikey Bits fame! At the time he was still making waves at GW with his Bitz selling service. We first saw him in line passing out catalogs at the tourney registry where he excitedly let us know that if we called to order then we'd be able to talk to a girl (his The boy was clearly aware of the socially awkward gamer stereotype and working that angle for all it was worth!

Anyways, back to the Iron Warriors above, I mentioned to him that they likely knew who he was and disregarded his Iron Warriors out of spite. He pretty much agreed. 

I recall our game being an all night fight scenario and as I was lacking in blacksun filters, the night fight rule negated the Tau's range advantage entirely! Much to his relief as he was already deeply concerned with my force prior to that announcement. It was a close and fun game that he ultimately won. The most memorable part however was the following exchange we had mid-game:

Rob: Every fucking tank has a smart missile system!

Me: You sold 'em to me.

Rob: Oh and I guess I'm supposed to thank you for that right?

One of his friends lit up and exclaimed Ooh! Are those our smart missile systems? However with a withering glare from Rob he meekly went back to quietly watching. 

In all honesty, that was my favorite part of the entire day!


Coming back to the present, Neverness and I have rescheduled our snow-delayed 40k game for this coming Saturday. So hopefully there will be a bat rep forthcoming of my Tau versus...something no doubt fiendish and dastardly.