Licking their wounds following multiple engagements, the Incandescent Coyotes strike cruiser Blazing One disappeared into the warp. However, shortly thereafter the Ultramarine's Strike Cruiser Self-Righteous Son exited the warp in roughly the same vicinity. 

Following astropathic echos in the void they began scanning for traitor activity. A quick scan of vox intercepts of the nearby planets revealed an order of Adeptus Sororitas whom had strayed from the Emperor's light (no doubt the very same ones the aforementioned Coyotes failed to locate). 

After a brief orbital bombardment revealed that the Sororitas' convent's void shields were unfazed, marines of the Ultramarines' 4th battle company under the command of Lt. Siph Horridus, along with a smaller detachment of the Silver Drakes' 7th company under the command of Lt. Warmonger deployed to cleanse these traitors the old fashioned way: with bolter and blade. 

Mike had originally expected Rob to be in attendance with Necrons, instead though Rob bailed at the last minute after being ensnared by an unexpected 'honey-do-this' barrage. We also had tried to coax Neverness out of his mountain lair to no avail.

 As it was just Mike and I by this point, we opted to just keep it simple, dispense with any objectives and just kill each other. Standard 12" straight across the table side deployment, with 1000 points per side.

No preliminary army pics this time as the lighting was poor and they looked atrocious. Pictured here are my Smurfs, consisting of Lt. Horridus, a Std. Bearer, 5 Hellblasters, a combat squadded Intercessor squad with bolt rifles and lastly 5 assault intercessors.
My center (nothing was deployed on my right flank) were the Silver Drakes. Fielding Lt. Warmonger, 9 Intercessors with Stalker bolt rifles, and the autocannon armed Servo-turret.  

Going first, the smurfs advanced enmasse, while blazing away at the immolator Proxy and retributors in the bunker to it's right. 

The assault intercessors advanced 11 inches, with pistols blazing (not that they accomplished anything). Hower remembering doctrines this time around, the Silver drakes pummeled the SoB squad in front of them.  

Apparently, Mike didn't like that and a new threat to my Drakes revealed itself...

His incinerator rolled 6 hits, and (4) 6's to wound (causing 4 mortal wounds), which along with standard wounds gutted my assault troops in one go!

Still, in my following turn they'd survive the overwatch fire and charge in to where nothing much happened for awhile. Apparently the 'armor of contempt' rules cuts both ways rendering a lot of weapons bonuses a moot point.

The Drakes were firing in earnest now, though to minimal effect. Only killing a sister or two and putting maybe as many wounds onto the tank. 

Withering fire sent the last surviving Retributor into hiding, and the Immolator proxy repositioned further away. Mike's prior round's shooting also whittled down my forward Intercessor combat squad. 

This round would see the Immolator finish them off!

I came around the table for a better pic only to learn that FUCK! There was another squad lurking unseen in the ruins!

Slowly grinding the squad down. Luckily that power maul was really just a chain sword. 

I believe this pic is supposed to be captioned: 'the Hellblasters want to get painted.'

Eight wounds in one volley of plasma fire means that they likely deserve it!

Finishing off the Sister superior, the assault marines consolidate 3" towards the next squad only to be summarily cut down by said squad. 

Alive only due to a command reroll, The Techmarine blazes away with twin-autocannons before finally succumbing to his fire fate. 

Indeed, casualties were starting to mount...

One last volley and the immolator proxy explodes, wounding the closest marine with fiery shrapnel. 

Avenging the turret and a few of their now more crispy brethren, the Drake intercessors hammer the tank with stalker fire! (that '1' represents the tank's last wound rather than it's first)

Curiously, the accompanying sisters pullback, as if anticipating an explosion...

...and explode it does, though luckily the Drakes are about half an inch outside of fiery death range.

On the other side of the field, the hellblasters do what they do best and erase the nearest SoB squad.

At the start of his turn 5 Mike ran up the white flag and we called it. There was little he could do had he played his round as his only viable targets were the Drakes whom had weathered considerable fire already in their hard cover. Glory to the Smurfs  and friends!