
Their bases are decorated with the detritus left behind when Guard units that were far better trained and equipped than these schmucks were previously lost in battle. I'm sure that such realizations will work wonders for their morale...

I completed five more guardsmen over the weekend, four lasgrunts and their platoon sergeant. I'll be running the lasgrunts as conscripts, whereas sergeant Tharkins will serve as platoon commander. This whole lot is technically the palace guard of a Hasslefree Miniatures mini that I'll be using as an Imperial Noble  which will be fielded as a  'counts as' Commissar (I'll explain it all later in a future post), once I figure out where it's mini case is buried in the basement. Speaking of, the mountain o' boxes is dwindling, so hopefully you'll not hear me whining about that for much longer.

Sorry Zzzzz, they're still not carrying enough stuff for war. 

That said, with Tharkins at the helm, these (along with their still unpainted brethren) can for now serve as an allied but nameless local PDF combat patrol of whatever war torn world my Ultramarine army shows up to do battle on. Whilst I have three separate marine armies, these guys are based in the same manner as the Smurfs so will likely fight with them most of the time. I almost never remember to use marine doctrines, so adding in a little bit of allied cannon fodder technically won't cost me anything rules-wise. 

I plan to use the Disciplined Fire regimental doctrine (rapid fire at 18" rather than 12" as is normal) for these guys. However, due to their poor training and inexperience, I plan to relabel that in my army lists as Panic Fire

Also, before Neverness anybody asks: No, this will not be morphing into an army in its own right. Especially since I'm just a little bit past the halfway point of 21 guardsmen and it's already turning into a slog. Were I inclined to start a stand alone IG force, I have 30-40 Chaos cultists, Blackstone Fortress traitor IG and an unbuilt tank or two to form the basis of an army should the notion strike me.