
I have a bat rep to do from this weekend's game, but it is late in the evening I'm not feeling too motivated at this particular point in the day. Instead, I'm just going to post pics of the random smattering of projects on my desk that I've been working on this week. 

First up, I built this impulse buy that I bought from Models and Minis back around Christmas (it's a good kit, I recommend it). Having three separate little IG contingents (loyalist and otherwise) to fight with, don't expect this wheeled Russ to get painted anytime soon. 

Speaking of otherwise, I painted up my Rogue Primaris Pskyer from the Servants of the Abyss set this week. 

He could qualify as a Rogue Inquisitor, but I already have another mini in mind for that role. 

For my renegade Iggies, I'll be using the DKK regimental doctrines just so I can have this guy as my Warlord. He'll serve as a 'counts-as' Death Rider Squadron Commander (albeit with a lasgun rather than plasma pistol and power sword). The savage claws of the mount still applied, and in lieu of a hunting lance, this clearly has a hunting beak! 

Lastly, I finished literally rearming my Soul Drinkers contingent. These few will likely be allied to the renegade Iggies as an Imperial Fist successor chapter (which they are). Note the Lt. with the huge power maul. I'll have better pics of him in a future post.