That title will make sense in a bit...

I was pleased to find that my Day'lth army really blended in quite well with the terrain!

Rather than the usual, multi-player free-for-all, this past weekend I played a more traditional 1 vs. 1 game of 40k vs. Rob. We fielded 900ish points each as I was fielding my Tau which are still unable to reach the 1k mark. Rob on the other hand was fielding his shenanigans-laden Death Guard as usual.

Triangular table end deployments, 4 objectives worth 5pts apiece, secondaries (like the Maelstrom cards, I don't much like these as the random draw can radically sway a game's VP total in one way or another, often with little rhyme or reason). 

Here's the recap.

Rob caught like a deer in the headlights! Death Guard are on the right, Tau the left. 

As my infantry horde is geared towards short-ranged firefights, turn one was more or less a general advance with limited firing.

The fan favorite (don't deny it) Hogzilaries advanced a whopping 12" a turn for the first two turns. Run little piggies run!

Typhus and the Death Shroud amble forth, confident in their own invincibility. 

Or at least they were until the Fire warriors killed one and wounded another after slinging 20 rounds down range!

Turn 2: Piranha deep strikes, shoots, (minorly wounds) the Dread, then dies. Moving on...

Curiously, nobody ever wandered in to view the Necron crystal garden. 

The Termies deep strike into my backfield, intent on killing the Pathfinders, or more specifically their rail rifles. 

The good ol' Pulse rifle equipped fire warriors dished out a respectable amount of fire all game.

The carbine equipped squad however, was pasted by Typhus' leprosy-something BS psychic power that SPAMs mortal wounds like nobody's business! 

The Swine take their first casualties, however after THREE games, they finally got to open fire, killing several of the pox walkers that were camped on an objective and racking up VPs without any effort. 

The Breachers double back, intent on defending the Pathfinders.

Rob jokingly said 'charge' and was surprised when Commander Firestorm did just that!

The hogs get all but obliterated by Typhus' OP spell! Seriously, WTF?

If you ever wanted to know what overkill looks like, this is it. 

Armed with his Thermoneutronic projector (flamer from hell that's usable in both ranged and melee combat) Firestorm drops the front rank of Plague Marines much to Rob's dismay. That said, he took a few licks as well. 

Massed combined fire starts to thin out, but not stop the Termies. 

Eventually the commander falls, Inspired by his sacrifice, the Hogzillary Soo'ey defiantly vows to fight on to the last ham! After a pained groan at that declaration, Rob's dread vaporized my last Hog with it's twin-lascannon!

The Termies charge the pathfinders and kill most of them. They stand their ground then fall back to allow the breachers to hose the 'em down. Deathguard termies in cover however, are all but impossible to shift.

Thus, a last turn suicide charge was in order, which took down one Termie though the fight was ultimately a draw.

I believe the final VP tally was something like 35-40 VPs for Rob, vs. my 25 or so VPs. Trying to shift Death Guard off of objectives with -1 to hit, -1 toughness to me if I get close, cover saves, armor of contempt, disgustingly resilient, etc., etc., is all but impossible. 

The armor of contempt really stings, for regular marines of most all stripes its alright, but T5 buffed all to hell and back marines? Why in the hell do they need that?!? Nerd rage aside, it's always fun to play Rob. 

Anyways, my Tau are a bit of a softball list, though some air support arrived in the mail today for 'em. Not going to call the remora drone a game changer, but rather more of an irritant. I got two, but in our usual 1K games, I can only field one. I may pick up some stealth suits eventually (or something) to finally round the points up to 1K.

One last note, whilst not actually in my army list, my Harbinger was seen wandering across the table side, but the pic I took was blurry as hell.