
lol, how much do you want to bet that the rhino this door came from had a 'Don't Tread On Me' decal on it somewhere? 

This week I picked out the base colors, or rather the rhino door colors on the base (the rest of the base was a foregone conclusion as it will match the rest of the army). The door formerly belonged to a Rhino of the Space Puppies variety. I'm guessing that that vehicle has been removed from their roster. 

Close up of the still clean rhino door.

Painting straight lines for triangles freehand is hard enough. However, trying to it under a crises suit, and with other debris strewn on top of the door's surface was really tough. Luckily the worst sins were covered with decals, and the rest will be with first Agrax Earthshade, and then later with dry brushed on grime.

Sept symbol on the side no living enemy ever sees. 

 As such this mini first needs another layer of matte varnish to better seal the decals followed later by inking. The hardest parts are over with, next comes the fun parts: making it dirty!

Am betting that the decal on the flamer says something obvious like: hot surface. 

Another Sept symbol on the Shield Generator