I hope everyone had a good (and warm) Christmas! I certainly am sure I will (I'm writing this on Christmas eve). As my fiancé doesn't purchase minis, my only holiday hobby acquisitions will be limited to a Tau Broadside from Rob (mwuhahaha...) and some squad differentiating rings for my marines from Screech. Pics to come on the latter as they are still in transit, but he has them himself and they're pretty neat (you can see them in my last sort-of battle report).
Speaking of...
In that game, once Frankie started rolling dice so that they all didn't come up as a '1', his Hellblaster sergeant pretty much withstood an ungodly amount of literal Hellhound fire. Something like 8 or 9 successful armor saves with only 1 command reroll (that succeeded unlike every other command reroll ever). I should add he was already down to a single wound when this feat of dice rolling commenced! As such that mini earned a paint job and as you can see it got it.
It does still need to be clear coated. However, as all of my fellow Americans are painfully aware, when I painted this mini today (Christmas Eve) and just prior to writing this, outside temperatures resemble those of Hoth (its warmed up to a balmy 1 degree Fahrenheit at this moment).
Indeed, even the basement which has become my alternative priming/clear coating venue this winter, is also too cold for clear coating right now. Looking at the current weather report, it looks like he'll get his clear coat somewhere around New Year's Eve.