...and to all a Good Fight!

Y'all know you just LOVE 40k Christmas puns!

This is kinda like an Iggy Demolisher in that the big, intimidating gun hits like a truck, assuming it actually gets in range. Despite having a barrel that's 4.5" long, it only has a 36" range because reasons. Meanwhile heavy bolters aside, all of the other weapons can reach out to 4 feet. At 325 points, and costing a command point to field, you would think that GW would at least give it the range of the standard issue battle cannon. 

Oh well whatever. 

The sponson weapons will fit snugly enough that no magnets are required and you can them out for all of the options. Pro tip: Don't do a test fit until you're sure that the glue is dry, otherwise you'll feel like a dumbass and just be stuck with heavy bolters like me!

36" ranged weapon issues aside, the Kratos looks really good (even unpainted) and as was discussed in my prior post, my Smurfs are woefully under-gunned. I had bought this to go with my 30k Blood Angels who seem to reside permanently in my cabinet. I was thinking that maybe the Coyotes would then get it, however currently the Smurfs are claiming at least temporary ownership. For the time being it won't get painted meaning all of the above may field it (well, probably not the 9th Legion...).

An assembly-in-progress pic. By the way, I've (at least unofficially for now) dubbed this The Over-Compensator.

Happy Holidays folks!