Da Stooka!
It's here! It's here! Perhaps this will shake off my 10th ed 40k malaise? We'll see. I've heard mostly good things, but not really interested in bothering with it at the moment. But that's not why you're here.
No, you're here to see a photo dump of my newly arrived and FANTASTICALLY painted Blitzbomma painted by the esteemed and talented Admiral Drax! Rather than re tell it, you can read about how this project came to be here.
Drax's orkified 'Dazzle' camo.
Note the leading edge of the vertical stabilizer which the grot gunner has shot all to hell.
Gonna get me some tail!
The base, cockpit interior & krew are all that remain of my original, partial paint job.
Da last thing da oomies see before da bombs drop!
I got the base of of eBay, from somebody in Greece I think.
Neverness is already stoked about our aerial dogfights in our future Ork vs Ork games. I am as as well, not to mention I still would like to try a war-on-the-floor game sometime in which everybody gets their aircraft together and we all just have a huge air-battle.