This year I shall be working on a squad of the Blackstone Fortress' Voidsmen-at-arms for Neverness' Inquisitorial conclave. They're great models that I picked up off of eBay once they were rereleased for Kill Team. Prior to that they were laughably astronomical (pun intended) in price. That said, I didn't get the canine as that particular model still is.
Originally, I had intended to paint this squad up to match Inquisitor Wezley Sharlz Vinderthoff the III. While the gaudy red trimmed with gold works on him, it was looking terrible on these guys and so into the exile of my miniature case they went.
Tuesday, I reprimed them in tan and will make them look like something a bit more militaristic looking...if that's the right word. Honestly, I'm thinking that I'll dig deep, deep into my memory banks and paint them up as an updated version of my original Imperial Guard army: The Mordian Iron Guard.
My Mordians, were jokingly referred to as the Africa Korps by my opponents due to their desert tan color scheme. I think these Voidsmen (and woman) will make for an intriguing homage to that long lost army. So stay tuned!