Here's the latest on my entry for Neverness' Inquisitorial Conclave of 2023.
I've made it to the ugly part, where all of the colors have been applied and they're ready for all of the myriad of touchups needed before inking. My detail brushes were shot halting any forward progress from this point. I bought some new ones Sunday afternoon though, so all is good.
One thing I didn't quite like is that the green doesn't quite have the contrast in color with the khaki that I was looking for. I'm hoping it will look better once inked. Speaking of color concerns, prior to adding the brown for their leather straps, pouches and boots, I was starting to worry that they were looking too bland. However, I think they'll be alright now.
The old Mordians didn't wear any armor to speak of, relying instead on heavily starched fabrics and epaulettes for protection. Indeed, the Mordians looked lot closer to this squad's leader rather than the grunts.
I didn't want to go for gold again on their armor having hated it the last time, so I opted for Canoptek Alloy which has a nice brassy look to it. The sepia ink ought to bring out the filigree on the armor nicely.
Moving forward for this week, with new brushes in hand: it'll be all about the touch ups! Followed by touch ups for those touch ups. Then some more touch ups, and then...