Of course not, thus we have fire. 

Kill it! Kill it with fire!

I snagged these guys off of eBay for $23.50 which was a steal! That or they suck and I'm not yet aware of it. While their pyreblasters look cool, I couldn't figure out why GW needed to add another flamer weapon to a game they were simplifying. Why not just make them heavy flamers? Is the lack of AP-1 really worth another separate weapon stat line? 


While mucking about in battlescribe's 10th ed Marine lists (which are very much a work-in-progress given that the intercessors lack bolt rifles, reivers lack combat blades, etc.), I noticed that most squad sergeants have access to hand flamers now. 

In hindsight, there's some gunk on the hand of that bionic arm, but oh well, not going to break it apart to fix as that may do more damage than good. Instead, I'll probably cover it up with a purity seal. 

Conveniently, I bought the Necromunda Goliath weapons box aways back for a now dead project. There were two hand flamers arms in there. After cutting off the aforementioned arms, I added one to my assault Intercessor sergeant and the other to just a regular Intercessor sergeant.

The intercessor sergeant's uh...close combat weapon. 

Anyways, now that this little diversion has been assembled, I guess its back to the touch ups from my last post.