
The Emperor's shiniest...mere humans.

This squad knocks off my first entry for Neverness' Inquisitorial conclave of 2023. Currently there is an Inquisitor (unrelated to this squad) in the works, but more on him at the end of month. I'm rather pleased with how this squad came out. Indeed, they certainly look better than their original red and gold half-applied color scheme. 

In the end, the khaki & green did turn out alright once inked.

I'm not sure how much they honor my old Mordians given just how shiny they are. Then again, if said Mordians had access to shiny armor, you know that they'd dress themselves up like medieval knights in (flak) armor with lasguns!

With so many things out to kill you in the grim dark, I seriously doubt that his cigar's box had any health related warnings on it.

This guy is more likely to get this squad killed than anything. A free roaming pseudo-assault cannon will paint a bullseye on these (slightly less squishy) guardsmen. Probably outweighing any benefit this otherwise impressive cannon will bring to them.

Looks like he's got enough ammo for the one-to-two turns that he'll be alive at any rate.

I find it curious that the squad leader, the Voidmaster lacks the majority of the body armor that his subordinates have; i.e.: chest plate, helmet, knee, elbow and boot guards. If anything he embodies the Mordians of old! 


Perhaps that explains why he's the only one who is injured. Fighting on despite the pain of his injury (which is slowly bleeding thru his field dressing). Perhaps there's a bodyglove hidden beneath that pretty uniform. If that is indeed the case, next time he levels up he ought to get one that covers his arms too. 

The pauldron marking displays his squad's Inquisitorial affiliation. I noticed recently that Inquisitorial Henchmen have two wounds apiece whereas these guys only have one. Perhaps then, these Voidsmen are the Inquisition's ceremonial guards. Used to decorate hallways and thresholds within their otherwise already impenetrable Black Ships and strongholds.