
These were all supposed to be in the same squad, however then I noticed a second sergeant model...

Following hot on the heals of my Ultramarine Assault Intercessors, are my first five painted Black Dragon Intercessors. I first started work on the Sergeant with the hand flamer and claw (CCW). Then I figured batch painting would be a better idea and grabbed and primed four more random guys for a combat squad of five. 

Sergeant with hand flamer and CCW.

A slightly better view of the adamantium tipped claw that extends from his right arm.

However it wasn't long before I realized that one of the four random dudes that I grabbed out of the pile was a second sergeant model. Well crap. Oh well, now that they're completed, they'll split into two partially painted squads rather than just one painted unit. 

Not pictured, but to the right is the shelving unit/wall of gaming stuff. 

In other news, 18ish months after moving into our house, the basement is cleared out enough
 to finally have Da Battle Bunka ready for proper use. Frankie and I have played a few games of Alpha Strike in here already, but it was very crowded around the table with very little room to maneuver. Now I just need to add posters to the walls and a second desk chair (which is on order).