
Now we're trucking!

Its been a busy week, but I did manage to get some brush time on my Dreadnought, which I've named after an old friend from a now defunct FLGS. Olen was a good old guy who played Warhammer Fantasy Battle with his kids and anyone else who dared come within range of his laser-guided guess-ranged artillery. Olen worked in construction his whole life and could guess ranges with unerring accuracy!

Several years ago, well after Olen's passing I got some custom decals from fallout hobbies, and had a few of these made in his memory. Now I just need to paint his name on that leg scroll.

You'd be playing on one side of the shop and hear his cackling laughter followed (or preceded) by his trade mark battle cry of:

'You'll die like bitches!' 

While Olen was never much of a fan of 40k, he did like Dragons. As such, I figure naming a Black Dragons dread after him would be an acceptable compromise.

Speaking of Fallout Hobbies' decals...

Unfortunately Fallout doesn't do personally customized decals anymore which puts my Black Dragons in a bit of a quandary as the majority of my Dragon icons were used up by my now defunct Silver Drakes. 

Another worrisome of this discontinuation is that when I had the decals made way back when, I only had left side large decals made, meaning I can't have my chapter icons on both sides of any vehicles. Or at least not any full sized ones. 

I had to get a little creative for the right side, and so used a small icon as well as the written saga of Olen's mighty battlefield deeds.