Round 1
The opening game was the Seiygo scenario where combatants had to fight for control of three idols across the centre. I was paired off with Mr Stu, a relatively new player sporting a decent looking temple force. he secured the first vp before my guys had got half way towards them! Stu had a commanding position before the bloodlust set in and Master Akari charged a Kairai farmer who after some dice of destiny proceeded to murder the offending raccoon in one hit haha. More epic dice followed over the next turn or so as my zombies were able to force the monks back and take control of the objectives, gradually killing off Stu's fighters until only Tsutemi remained to play his mandolin thing as his doom approached...
Round 2
This game was played using the Ryodo scenario where there are three small zones to control diagonally across the board. I was paired off with my good friend Darren Lysenko, fellow painter and owner of Flare Miniature Painting and his amazing Ito force. I plonked Araka squarely in my home zone stopping any enemy from contesting it and set the rest of my forces to go for the other two... 3 kairai headed for Darren's zone held by Kaihime and Naoko, and the rest of my force went force the neutral zone to face off against Itsunagi, Kenzo and Sakura! Darren scored the first vp as my slow slow zombies couldn't get to his zone in time but we fought on to cancel each other out in turn 4 and me scoring the vp in turn 6 having killed off a few Ito... just not enough!
Round 3
It was late in the day when we finished up so I didn't get a chance to get awards photos done but below are shots taken of the winners trophy sword and the Best Painted Bokken:
The guys all said they had had a great time at the event and are eager for a third one this sort of time next year. This will be going ahead as will a number of other Bushido events over the next 12 months ;-D
Final standings for Bunkermitzu 2014 were as follows:
1st Sherwin STS
2nd Undead_Ich Cult
3rd Darren Lysenko (Best Painted) Ito
4th Shearov Temple
5th Rid (Me!) Cult
6th MrMccook Temple
7th MrStu Temple
8th Tom Wall (Spoon of Enlightenment) Ito