For those who spent the end of last year either under a rock or were subjected to an inhumanly long time without internet, you missed out on one of the most ground-breaking and monumental releases of 2014 – The Blood Angels Codex.  This release was signficiant not just because of the sweet new kits or the new ways to be Billy-Badass with your space vampires, but because of a specific change to the very core of how we play with our Space Marines – the introduction of the 32mm infantry base.  The resultant internet hysteria fuelled the ‘base-gate’ scandal – a vertiable shit-storm of whinging and steadfast declarations of “how dare they!” “My army is useless now!!” and my personal favourite “Gee Dubs can’t make me change my bases!! I won’t! I won’t! I won’t!!!”  Despite the rapid deployment of ignorance, many people took a more temperate approach to the subject, carefully considering what was right for them before embracing the new base size for Marines and using then in new projects or in some cases revamping existing projects.  I was one of the latter...

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