Destination - motivation, route calculating...
Directly stolen from the latest episode of Heelanhammer (if you've not listened then do, it's a nice posititve look forward to 9th rather than the usual doom and despair) comes the topic of what impact is 9th having upon us hobby gamers.

New projects to work on?

Well the easy answer is the other games I play. So Malifaux, Relic Knights, Epic, 40k are all sat in boxes in various states of completion, plenty to be getting on with there but mood & motivation is always a tricky thing and I'm not pointing that direction right now.

I haz all the games
So if I stuck with WFB what tempts me? First off coming out of SCGT I'm happy with my Bretonnians but I made sure I had a chat with Russ on what would take my army up to that 'best painted' standard.  So have a desire to do that as I'd like to get a few nominations even if I don't expect to win. The one issue is that Brets are apparently in line for getting squatted so that slightly puts me off. 

You too can say pew pew while playing WFB
I've got Empire part painted that I could get to a complete army but  not really jazzed for the army, regular humans don't really do much for me in a fantasy game so I've always struggled to get going with them. I realise I say this directly after having done a Bret army but they're Arthurian legend not regular human and my brain is happy with that distinction.

Hats - go big, or go home
I've also got DE, CD and a bunch of WOC stuff sat in boxes that I could be working on but the DE fall into the 'why bother' until I know if the elf legion is the only way forward or if standalone DE is worth considering.  CD is one I really want to do, it's the old big hat models and I think they're lovely, somewhat of an age, but with a more current paintjob still look great. WoC is where I should focus as the army is part done and really just needs a few options to get it rounded out to a proper army but they're something I've struggled to pick up and get going with for a while now.

Warriors of Chaos - They do the mash, they do the monster mash

No new Projects?

This was where the HH guys were pointing people towards.  New edition, all change, why would you start something new when it might just be invalidated in a few weeks/months. Obviously what I've talked about above were predominantly new projects, I'd done 1-2 models/units for each of those but that was the extent of it.  Obviously playing it safe you don't touch anything new and you'll avoid wasting effort as typically at some point you'll find a use for most models in an army book (see my prior ramble on the lifecycle of 8th ed). 
Totally relevant quote - I bet she never said it
Unlike most people, and probably because I'm a bit deranged, sticking to existing projects opens up a lot of armies for me.

  • Dwarfs - Never updated for the 8th ed book so some more gyros and Irondrakes wouldn't go amiss.
  • Daemons - nowt else I want to add really, maybe a block of fiends as I've got them in a box somewhere.
  • High Elves - No real desire to add much, have all the dragons and Frosties I need, anything else would just be boring elves. (I guess a Flamespyre would be the one option.)
  • Lizardmen - Again a rather unloved 7th ed book army I've never gone back to, never did temple guard so they would be the obvious win.
  • O&G - An army I always keep meaning to go back to, but never seem to find the time.  First addition would be a unit of 3 gobo chariots I've had waiting for years!
  • Skaven - Again, not touched in years, 2nd cannon, 2nd wheel, stormfiends would all be sensible.  I've never done a bell either.  But oddly the unit I most want to add are night runners with their tunneller weapons team, only know 1 player who runs it and it regularly wins him games.
  • Tomb Kings - I have everything in the book apart from stalkers and the new morghasts, be rude not to add them! Also TK being a dead (da dum cha) army means the option to take up any VC units for a UL force means plenty I could do here.
  • Wood Elves - Again a fairly complete army but I've never painted any of the combat infantry, apart from wardancers, so plenty of holes to fill there.

Steve Jobs - Self justification is awesome
The other thing I could do, and I touched on it with my Brets earlier, is to improve the paint quality of one of my armies to try and chase painting awards.  Of them all my WE are probably my best, with O&G next.  Though technically the dwarfs are better painted they lack any real wow factor and the basing is a disappointment, hmm if 9th ed changes basing I guess that gives me something to do.

Of everything above the majority of the armies will exist in some form going forward, under legions books if nothing else, but the demotivation on my elves is the different basing on HE and WE making them not interchangeable.  I am ahead of the game in that I based my Skaven, DoC and WoC on the same basing before ET was even mentioned, so a spot of luck there!

Post-its - telling me what to do since forever
End of the day I'll probably continue to do what I've always done and just paint what I feel like, I've got loads of models in a cupboard crying out to be painted so it's not as if it will influence my purchasing (which I've basically tried to have on hold this year anyway).


In summary impending 9th ed chat has not impacted what I'm doing very much.  I'll hold off on the Empire and updating the paint scheme on my Brets in case they become one big army, but otherwise can happily push on with all the millions of paint projects I've had on the go for years anyway.

I've had most of the month of April not painting largely due to other commitments so I think I'm going to start back with some big hat Chaos Dwarfs just because and then see where motivation takes me.  Hopefully everyone else has been able to keep churning out stuff despite the instability 9th has introduced, would love to hear any other peoples approaches to working round the 'worry' of the edition change.