Lets open with the history of WFB, apart from ungors it has never really been an issue for WFB players, barring a few things like monsters which by their nature tend not to be the mainstay of armies bases have remained unchanged throughout the editions. AoS has torn that up and thrown it away in that they are now a skirmish game and the models are now being sold with round bases. That said GW have specifically allowed for this in the rules and it makes absolutely no difference what you put the model on if you go strictly 'by the rules'.

That said everyone I know is mostly ignoring the rule of 'ignore bases' and as a result many people are rebasing armies. I've decided to join them, as much for the 'rule of cool' than anything else after a couple of experimental models I've decided that rounds just plain look better.

So what does this mean in practice, well first off I had to pick which army to rebase, after some umming and ahhing I've settled on the army I've most enjoyed playing since I started it and that was my TK. It also helps that they're generally not that good under 8th barring the magic gunline with Snakes/Morgasts for combat which I never ran.

 photo 10C2A338-C2A3-4B96-9820-8AC64CB9C393_zpsbtynrijj.png
8th Ed Tomb Kings

So army decided I then went through my model collection:
100ish Skellys
40 Tomb Guard
30 ish cavalry
13 Ushabti
9 Chariots
12 Necropolis Knights
3 Scorpions
2 caskets
2 catapults
2 bone giants

So pretty much everything in the book and a fair number of them, plus you'll notice that this army ticks off pretty much every base size you could possibly use! The big thing for me was the lack of any ovals in my collection so I turned to the internet for possible options. Googling MDF Oval bases gave me a few options and I finally settled on:


No idea if they're cheapest, but they had a really wide range of options which I figured would cover everything I should need and would only need one order placed.

I then sat down with the options and my model collection and was pointed to a basing guide someone had already posted up on the net:


It's not perfect, there are some inconsistencies but it was a pretty nice start point for me. I should point out there were some base sizes per that guide which didn't match the seller I'd found so a few got trimmed to the nearest possible match and I ended up with the list below:

Tomb King Hero 20x20mm 32/40mm
Tomb Herald Hero 20x20mm 32/40mm
Liche Priest Hero 20x20mm 25/32mm
Necrotect Hero 20x20mm 25/32mm
Skeleton Warriors Infantry 20x20mm 25mm
Skeleton Archers Infantry 20x20mm 25mm
Tomb Guard Infantry 20x20mm 32mm
Tomb Herald on Skeletal Steed Hero/Cavalry 25x50mm 30x60mm
Liche Priest on Skeletal Steed Hero/Cavalry 25x50mm 30x60mm
Skeleton Horsemen Cavalry 25x50mm 30x60mm
Skeleton Horse Archers Cavalry 25x50mm 30x60mm
Tomb King in Royal Chariot Hero/Chariot 100x100mm 70x100mm
Skeleton Chariots Chariot 50x100mm 70x100mm
Ushabti Infantry 40x40mm 50mm
Carrion Beast 40x40mm 50mm
Tomb Swarm Swarm 40x40mm 50mm
Tomb Scorpion Beast 50x50mm 60mm
Necropolis Knights Cavalry 50x100mm 70x100mm
Sepulchral Stalkers Beast 50x100mm 70x100mm
Bone Giant Monster 50x50mm 70x100mm
Royal Warsphinx Hero/Monster 50x100mm 90x120mm
Khemrian Warsphinx Monster 50x100mm 90x120mm
Necrosphinx Monster 50x100mm 90x120mm
Casket of Souls War Machine - 90x120mm
SSC War Machine - 90x120mm

I haven't tried the chariots yet but I have a suspicion those bases might be a little too tight, but we'll see!

From what I've based up so far I'm pretty happy with the change, everything is looking sweet.
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Various TK on round & oval bases
You'll also note that I've taken the opportunity to update all my basing.  Originally my TK lists was speed painted for an ETC (first one after the book came out).  As a result the bases were incredibly simple (just painted sand).  I decided to move them to a red/orange earth/stone colour.  Then shoved on a few tufts and it just felt like something was missing and I had a dig through my box of basing material and found the yellow flower tuft things which I've added on a few of the bases.  The little bit of colour scattered around just adds a little to the look that I'm quite happy with it.

So there we go, commitment to AoS has been made, hobby progress is underway and operation 're-base' is full steam ahead.  My first event is likely to be the Maul in November so I'll be watching the updates to MoComp which is going to be used and then picking my army to base up on that but in the first instance I'll be aiming to run my all construct army I desperately wanted to be able to run in 8th but couldn't, so now I finally can I'll make it happen!