
Recently my girlfriend has shown some interest in my mini gaming, and wanted to 'geek out' with my miniatures. Not knowing to much about 40k (she's more familiar with Warhammer Fantasy Role Play) aside from what she's read on GW's website, this and Neverness' blogs, Wikipedia and Lexicanum. So, the other night I pulled out all of my minis, kinda giving her an vague and rambling overview of my collection, and especially the design aesthetics. For example putting my Beastman IG next to my Loyalist IG, which look quite different, yet are exactly the same rules wise.

Going thru everything I came to the Inquisition layer at the bottom of one case. I call it the Inquisition layer, as it contains the remnants of my once vast array of Inquisitors and their allied contingents. Most are gone due to the fact that Matt Ward's OMG THIS WILL BE SO AWESOME!!!!! writing style makes me feel like a dirty cheeseball every time I consider using them. Fucker. Anyways, the only reason i still have any of them, is because Inquisitor Coteaz allows my beloved Imperial Forestry Service guys to be a troops choice.

'Grassy Knoll' is on Coteaz' left, and 'Ranger Smith' his on his right.

This is a FAILcast model, and of the three of those that I've bought, he and my Empire Captain, were relatively free of defect. Whereas my old Emperor's Champion-turned-Arkos the Faithless was fucked up, and later sold off. 

Now, I've only purchased one White Dwarf magazine since it was updated to the new format, that one being the first 'new' one. In that issue was the CSM release, and there was page after page of 'digitally remastered in 'high quality' Finecast previews of all sorts of the old CSM sculpts. GW literally emptied a thesaurus describing how wonderful these new models were now that they're in finecast (which is consequently sooo much cheaper for them to make and sooo much more expensive for us to buy).

Are you Fucking kidding me???
So why all this rambling? Well, going back to Coteaz, I pulled him out of the case above, and due to the exceptionally heavy weight of this miniature, and the exceptionally "high quality" of the finecast resin, his fucking hammer handle warped around his body in the fucking GW case!!! Not even FW resin parts that are so thin as to be translucent before priming do this!

What. The. Fuck. GW???

Pay attention Screech, I know you were thrilled with the detail of all of those FAILcast Thousand Sons conversion kits last week. You'd best store them vertically in a deep tray, or else they'll be screwed in the long run!

Does anybody know if Testor's matte varnish with hold up while it is immersed in hot water in an attempt to bend the damned thing back?  Personally I'm of the mind to just mail GW the damned thing with a note to have whomever is in charge of the FAILcost production to put it on their desk, so as to remind them of the 'exceptional quality' that they're providing us! Then I'll just convert a 'counts as' Coteaz out of PLASTIC! Makes me wonder if they'll just convert 40k into one of those pre-painted plastic clicky shit games. Seems they're using the same high quality material as those games have.

As such (and if you're reading this GW, pay attention) I will never ever, buy ANYTHING made of this crap ever again! Even if its fine when you get it, the necessary act of storing it will still fuck it up!