It’s been a while!
It’s not that I’ve stopped playing 40k. I’ve been playing a reasonable amount. It’s just that real life has been horribly busy – children, work blah blah blah. The usual stuff. I’ve spent free time playing and painting rather than blogging.
So since I last posted I’ve built and painted a Skyhammer Annihilation force, built and painted a Grey Knight Purifier spam army with Skitari allies, renovated some old models and turned them into an 1,850pt Gladius strike force, and built and (almost) painted a Raven Guard army, using the new detachments in the Kayuon book. I’ve also been to two single day tournaments and 2 two day tournaments. So lots to catch up on! However, I’m not planning a mega post trying to summarise it all. It was a long time ago and it would take too long to do it now. Suffice to say I’m actually really enjoying 40k again. Seventh, with all the new formations and detachments creates huge possibilities for innovative lists. Sure idiots will still bring hobby killer mega combinations, death stars, and other nonsense, but that was always the case, and it’s so much better than in 6th.
Also I think tournaments are getting the hang of limiting really silly stuff, and designing missions to level the playing field. 40k tournaments are fun again!
And speaking of which …. I’m off to a tournament this weekend. It’s an 1850pt tournament using ETC missions, and (broadly) the ITC rules pack. I’m taking a Raven Guard List, using the new formations in the Kayuon book. “ Tau” I hear you ask? Yes, no Tau. To be honest I don’t really find the new models or the new Codex terribly inspiring. The Hunter Contingent is interesting, and the combined fire power rule is very powerful (depending on how you read it), but I don’t see how it will create an exciting or dynamic play style. I’m hoping for more from the Mont’ka book.
However, on the other hand, the Raven Guard formations in the Kayuon book … interesting! Here’s the list I’m taking
Talon Strike Force( Raven Guard)
Demi Company
Captain, artificer armour, Auspex
5 man tac squad
5 man tac squad
5 man tac squad
5 man devastator squad
5 man assault squad, 2 flamer, melta bombs
Shadowstrike Kill Team (Raven Guard)
5 Scouts
5 Scouts
5 Scouts
5 Vanguard Veterans, 3 twin Lightening Claws, 2 Power Axes, 2 with Melta Bombs
5 Vanguard Veterans, 3 twin Lightening Claws, 2 Power Axes, 2 with Melta Bombs
5 Vanguard Veterans, 3 with Lightening Claw/Power Fist, 2 Storm Shields,
Skyhammer Annihilating Force (Ultra Marine Chapter Tactics)
5 man assault squad, 2 flamer, melta bombs
5 man assault squad, 2 flamer, melta bombs
10 Man Devastator Squad, 4 Grav Cannons, Drop Pod
5 man Devastator Squad, 2 Grav Cannons, Drop Pod
So my thinking is that, combing all the special rules for the Talon Strike Force, the Skyhammer, and the Shadowstrike Kill team, make an interesting army. First, Skyhammer allows you to bring in the Devs and the Assault squads on either turn 1 or turn 2, your choice, no need to roll. The devs are relentless the turn they come down, so the grav cannons have a 24” range, and 5 shots, and the assault squads can assault the turn the deep strike. The Vanguard in the Shadowstrike Kill Team come in when you choose, and can also assault out of Deep Strike. If they come in within 9” of 2 scout squads, they don’t scatter. The Talon Stike Force allows you to bring in reserves on turn one if you want to, and also allows you to re-roll the dice for who goes first!
So combining all of this, you can choose to bring either or both of the Skyhammer or the Shadowstrike Kill Team in on either turn one or turn 2. That gives you 30 twin linked grav shots at 24” on the drop, and both the Vanguard and Assault squads in the Skyhammer can assault out of deep strike.
I’ve tooled up one of the Vanguard squads as a “big game hunter” with Storm Shields and Power fists. The thinking is that the guys with Storm Shields take the hits that come in before the fists get to swing. The other 2 are more generic with Claws and Axes, the Claws cutting through “normal” guys, and the axes dealing with any 2+ saves. Melta bombs are there to deal more effectively with vehicles. The assault squads are there to hunt smaller game, but can also handle vehicles using a combination of krak grenades and melta bombs. The Grav Devs deal with really scary stuff that the Vanguard can’t handle. If I’m going first the scouts infiltrate, and then scout to within 12” of the other guy, bringing in my Vanguard with no scatter. Oh, and everything else grabs objectives and hides!
It will have some pretty tough match ups (Super Friends Wolf star for example), but I think it will be fun to play.