
My Tankbustas, so generously painted by Admiral Drax after I won a contest on his blog for his 500th post back in May, arrived back on my doorstep this past Friday. I think they look fantastic! The bases aren't flocked per my request so I can base them to match my army. Drax lamented the speed at which he painted them, but in that time span I've only painted 2 Orks myself, so he was moving way faster than I am on the green skin painting front!


...ere dey are!
Note: the spiral on the rokkit, I never would have even tried to do that something like that myself!

A brown, leather-like helmet...in all of the Orks I've ever painted, curiously that idea has never occurred to me.
Gray Knights SUCK! Just saying...

Again, another rokkit painted waaaaay better than I would have managed.

Neverness and I already have a old Ork codex (as I sold my copy of the new, heinous tome) vs. a new Ork codex game in the vague planning stages for an as yet unknown future date.

Also, have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! This will be my final post for the rest of the year.