2015 Painting in summary (graph) form:

Burn Rate

I was quick out the blocks in January and then fairly steady progress across the year but running at a slower rate than 1/day average but I'm happy that I was painting to a generally higher standard than in prior years.

Monthly split of painting by game system

As you meander through the year you can see I was never entirely focused on one system but there were bouts of focus on different systems at diff times. 
Jan: Epic
Feb -Apr: WFB
May - Sep: Guildball & Malifaux
Oct-Dec: Frostgrave, Darklands & AoS

Total split by type

Pretty much as you'd expect the majority of stuff has still been infantry, a reasonable smattering of cavalry at the start of the year for the Brets and a heap of Monsterous stuff for Darklands makes up the bulk of it and of course the Epic stuff at the start of the year.

Split by system

This one is probably the biggest change from prior year, I'd guess this was 90%+ WFB the last few years, this year with AoS I basically hit the brakes on WFB/AoS for 6m and focussed entirely on other systems until starting to pick it up again in December.

In total that was 220 figs across the year, this year I'm going to try and hit the 1/day again as a couple of other folk I know through twitter are targeting it too so some friendly rivalry.  Obviously that sort of target requires a bit of a strategic approach and some focus.  So from my resolutions blog I'd highlighted the armies/systems I was going after which immediately kicks out about 200 models, the rest can probably be filled in with Epic stuff. 

Epic is a slightly cheaty way of getting the model count up as the smaller scale means it's actually generally less detailed painting and you can get away with basecoat, wash, edge highlight and a few key details picked out.

I had planned on doing one of my Orks/Nids and probably a bunch more Eldar stuff but last night I painted up a Space Marine Landraider in the Ultramarines paint scheme just to try out some new Scale 75 paints I'd picked up.  I really liked how it turned out so I think I'll do an Epic smurf army as my first project for the year.  Also decided to see how it would look with some weathering, generally I think epic can look good as clean/crisp paintjobs but want to try out weathering before I get to the 30k army and this seemed like a nice place to start getting some experience.

Epic Landraider - pre-weathering

Epic Landraider - post-weathering

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