I’ve been thinking about the Vanguard Vets. Some comments suggested a reworking of their load out.
I’m not a “maths guy”, but I’ve done my best! The conclusion I’ve reached is that the load out I have is probably the most effective. I think it balances survivability, flexibility and efficiency reasonably well, while at the same time being pretty hard hitting. Other combinations (power mace, axes, melta bombs) just didn’t feel right. I have however made one change to the Vets, and some consequential changes to the rest of the list.
On occasion the storm shields and the power fist feel like over kill, and with adding the Grav Cents, I have an alternative for killing big stuff with 2+ saves. So, I’ve stripped back one of the VV units to take out the power fists and storm shields, and replace them with lightening claws. What it means is I’ll need to be a little more selective on what each squad assaults. Ideally I need to making sure there are no high initiative AP3 attacks, or 2+ armour saves, in units the Lightening Claw guys go after.
On the back of that decision I’ve made a few more changes to the rest of the list, to get this.
Talon Strike Force
Battel Demi-Company
Chaplin, bike
Tac Squad, melta, combi melta, Drop Pod
Tac Squad, melta, combi melta, Drop Pod
Tac Squad, melta, combi melta, Drop Pod
3 Man Bike Squad
3 Grav Cents
Shadowstrike Kill Team
5 Scouts, Bolters
5 Scouts, Bolters
7 Vanguard, , 4 Bolt Pistol and CCW, 3 Twin Lightening Claw
7 Vanguard, 2 Storm Shields, 2 Bolt Pistol and CCW, 3 Power Fist + Lightening Claw
7 Vanguard, 2 Storm Shields, 2 Bolt Pistol and CCW, 3 Power Fist + Lightening Claw
Combined Arms Detachment (White Scars)
Techmarine, Hunters Eye
5 Scouts
5 Scouts
Drop Pod
Drop Pod
Drop Pod
The main changes are beefing up the Centurions to 3 Grav Cannons, changing the CAD to White Scars chapter tactics to get the ignores cover relic on the Tech Marine (to go with the Cents), and adding in a 6th Drop Pod. I do this at the expense of the 2 units of bikes.
So, I’ve sacrificed some survivability and kill power in one VV squad, and some mobility to make the Cents much more powerful, and give me more deployment flexibility (with the additional drop pod).