I have signed up for the Caledonian Revolution tournament, taking place down in Stockport in July this year. This is a 5-game, 40k tournament using ETC missions, scoring and rulings.
I have decided that I will be taking my White Scars to the tournament. They are by far my most competitive army and I am keen to see  how some of the new formations will perform in higher points games. After looking through my tournament army reviews for Rapid Fire 2015 and the more recent Stronghold V, I have put together some initial lists for my White Scars army. I have a practice game this week at the club to test one of my lists.
Scarblade Strike Force and CAD
My first army list uses the White Scars Decurion-type formation and a Combined Arms Detachment. The army consists of:
Hunting Force
Khan- Moondrakken
Command Squad- Bikes, Apothecary, 4 grav guns, 4 storm shields
6 Bikers- 2 grav guns, sergeant with meltabombs
6 Bikers- 2 grav guns, sergeant with meltabombs
Attack Bike- Multimelta
6 Scout Bikers- 2 Grenades launchers, sergeant with meltabombs and homing beacon

Stormbringer Squadron
5 Scouts- bolt pistols, combat weapons, sergeant with meltabombs
Landspeeder Storm- Heavy Bolter, Cerberus Launcher
Landspeeder- Multimelta, Typhoon Missile Launcher
Combined Arms Detachment
Librarian- Bike, Hunter's Eye, Meltabombs, Mastery Level 2, Force Sword
5 Scouts- Camo cloaks, sniper rifles
5 Scouts- Bolters, sergeant with meltabombs
Landspeeder Storm- Heavy Bolter, Cerberus Launcher
3 Bikers- 2 meltaguns, sergeant with meltabombs
3 Centurions- Grav cannons and grav amps, hurricane bolters
Drop Pod
Stormtalon- TL assault cannon, Skyhammer missile launcher
Half of this army uses the Scarblade strike force. This allows me to re-roll Hit and Run rolls (which I fail quite often) and gives me hammer of wrath bonuses if I charge over 8". The Hunting Force gives me great re-roll bonuses against certain enemy units and double hammer of wrath hits if I am over 5 models, hence the additional biker in each squad so that I can take a single casualty and still get the bonus. The Scout bike squad also gets upgraded to 6 models.
The Stormbringer squadron has combat scouts as the formation allows them to disembark if I move the Landspeeder Storm up to 12", giving them a huge threat range. It also has an anti-tank Landspeeder, a combination that proved useful in my Ravenwing army.
For the CAD, I have taken more scout units than normal. A unit with sniper rifles to camp on objectives, with another landspeeder storm and scout squad for objective grabbing (this landspeeder storm will be objective secured). I took a small unit of objective secured bikers for some tank hunting and objective grabbing. I also have a Librarian with the Hunter's Eye on a bike. The Centurions in the drop pod made a great combination with the scout bikers and homing beacon at Stronghold and I am keen to repeat this combination. Finally, the Stormtalon gives me some anti-air firepower.
With this list, I have 5 objective secured units (the three scout units, one landspeeder storm and one unit of bikers). I am a bit worried about the lack of objective secured in the hunting force, but hopefully it should not be too bad.
The Librarian could be swapped out for a Chaplain on bike with the Hunter's Eye. Psychic Shriek should be useful as it no longer needs to roll to hit and there is always the chance he may get invisibility.
This army would require me to paint up a Landspeeder, the Librarian, two Scout units, three scout bikers and a Landspeeder Storm (only the scout bikers and Landspeeder storm would need to be purchased).
Combined Arms Detachment
This army features just a simple combined arms detachment for more objective secured units. The army consists of:
Khan- Moondrakken
Librarian- Bike, Hunter's Eye, Meltabombs, Mastery Level 2, Force Sword
Command Squad- Bikes, Apothecary, 4 grav guns, 4 storm shields
5 Bikers- 2 grav guns, sergeant with meltabombs
5 Bikers- 2 grav guns, sergeant with meltabombs
5 Bikers- 2 meltaguns, sergeant with meltabombs
5 Scouts- Camo cloaks, sniper rifles
5 Scouts- Camo cloaks, sniper rifles
Landspeeder Storm- Heavy Bolter, Cerberus Launcher
3 Scout Bikers- Grenades launcher, sergeant with meltabombs and homing beacon
Drop Pod
Stormtalon- TL assault cannon, Skyhammer missile launcher
3 Centurions- Grav cannons and grav amps, hurricane bolters
5 Devastators- 4 Grav cannons and grav amps, sergeant with combi-grav
Drop Pod
This army is a lot more compact than the first list, but contains a lot more grav in it. This army contains 6 objective secured units, only one more than the previous army list. Other than that, the units are very similar to my normal white scars army.

In this army, I would need to paint up the two Scout squads, the Librarian and the Devastators.
Which army do you prefer? Any changes you would recommend to the force?