With our second BMG League continuing apace, I decided it was prime time to organise and host a Batman Tournament at the end of June.  With just over a month until the big day, getting everything organised ahead of time would be paramount to its success.  Without wanting to throw myself in the deep end right off the bat (heh! punny...), I decided that this event was going to be a one-day affair with three games being run before crowning a winner.  To be fair, I was quite inspired by another gaming groups tournament format and used it as a framework for mine (which is code for ‘I loved what I saw so I changed some details and stole the rest for my own event.  Speaking of which, the Player’s Pack for my event can be found here).  Looking over their own players pack, it’s pretty clear that the crew over at LvL Up in Bournemouth have got some stellar ideas and if I had the opportunity I’d take in one of their events in a heartbeat.  Check them out if you get the chance; our hobby is strongest when we’re all looking out for one another after all.

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