Black Gate Miniatures is a new venture by my mate and painting client Barry Pittman, co host of the awesome Warmaster.Podcast, a great listen not just on 10mm gaming but also banter and hobby content.

When Barry mentioned he was looking at producing some models and needing some concept art drawn, i put him in contact with Christian Schwager of Solitudo, who produced not only the art for my own range of minis but also for Tor Gaming's Relics.

Skip forward a few months and the art has been completed, and the initial Masters for a range of 10mm scale Ogres are back at Black Gates for casting:

From left to right we have an Ogre Warrior, an Armoured Ogre Warrior and an Ogre Cannoneer!

Casting has been completed for a test run of the minis to make sure they look great in the metal too:

The  painting master that is Jon Webb of Sinister Squid Studios will be painting up the studio display casts and i shall be doing some for local promos and also painting up the completed army for Black Gate!!!

I received my first casts this morning, and will be posting updates as i get these completed along with a few more casts in the run up to the Kickstarter:

Ive mounted mine on individual bases rather than Warmaster style strip bases for ease of painting, and at 18mm high these will be great fun to do i hope to be able topresent some great painted minis at the end of the process.

More details on the KS and Black Gates plans for the range to follow over the coming weeks in the run up to the launch!