
Man its been a busy day! Its damned near 10pm as I type this and really the only time I've had to just chill this evening was whilst eating dinner. Whew, being an adult and all that...yeah, it sucks.

Still looking kinda ugly...

Anyways, it wasn't like that all week, and as such I was able to get a bit more work done on my predator. All of the base coating has been added. Now its time to do the detail work before applying the decals and then slathering it in the usual ink wash. That last bit worries me as I never like the results of inking on large flat surfaces, but I'll deal with that problem later I guess.

As for the 'taketh away' part: I bought this jalopy off of ebay for a mere $17.

The pic straight from the ebay auction. 

On its arrival I found it was both poorly and only partially assembled. Normally this would be a complaint, but instead turned out to be a boon. Within minutes it was disassembled and most of it was soaking in the simple green. The crew were painted decently, and the bottom is already primed/painted black and they will be left as is.

The plan is to let the rest of it soak for a week or two, but knowing me...it may remain in its chemical grave for upwards of a year or more. Or, until my beloved Wolfy asks: 'Honey, what the hell's in this container in the cabinet?'