
Okay, so its not *official* Warmahordes terrain, but its also not Warhammer Fantasy terrain either (who's scale is a smidge small for Warmahordes' human scale infantry...which I figure is kind of the standard to go by). Anyways, I went in on a Kickstarter back in December for a brewery terrain piece by Dicey Ventures Studios.

Dicey is a small company that produces 3D printed terrain and/or (if you have your own 3d printer) ready-to-go CAD files for the same terrain. They also offer to pre-paint their terrain as well, though that pretty much doubles the cost. I opted for an extra terrain piece, though given that I had to remove all of the excess...stuff from the 3D printer, I do wonder if opting for the painted option might not have been the better way to go...

Just about the right scale, don't you think?

I mean, it wasn't hard to remove but was time consuming and unfortunately (as I was basically going in kinda blind with a small, flat screw driver to pry the stuff off) I inflicted some minor damage to one piece. That said, its nothing that is irreparable, it just means it'll take a bit more work to finish.

It looks kinda like a giant hotel piece from the Monopoly board game...

Again, the scale looks correct for my Trolls.

This was a freebee from the KS. 
That said, whilst these are nice pieces, they're kinda light weight and I worry that in the long run they might be kinda frail. So while injected plastic manufacturing might need to keep a wary eye on 3D printing, its not in danger of being replaced just yet. Hopefully I'll get these pieces sanded down (the few parts that'll need it), primed and painted soon.