And this is what I'm thinking about taking. I think it will give me a number of potential threats on the tabletop for my opponent to deal with, and there is still some units that I have not managed to play with. All of which will hopefully make it very difficult for him to win, plus it can certainly on paper spit out alot of ork Dakka! Dakka! and considering I'm against tau/eldar it's certainly not going to be easy.

+ HQ +
   * Old Zogwort
    * Weirdboy

+ Elites +
    * Lootas
        10x Loota

+ Troops +
    * Ork Boyz
        * 30x Boy
            30x Shootas
        * Nob 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole, Power Klaw
    * Ork Boyz
        * 30x Boy
            30x Shootas
        * Nob 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole, Power Klaw
    * Ork Boyz
        3x Rokkit Launcha
        * 30x Boy
            30x Shootas
    * Ork Boyz
        3x Rokkit Launcha
        * 30x Boy
            30x Shootas

+ Fast Attack +
    * Dakkajet (Waagh! Plane)
        2 Twin-linked supa shootas, Additional twin-linked supa shoota, Fighta Ace (Fighta Ace)
    * Dakkajet (Waagh! Plane)
        2 Twin-linked supa shootas, Additional twin-linked supa shoota, Fighta Ace (Fighta Ace)
    * Dakkajet (Waagh! Plane)
        2 Twin-linked supa shootas, Additional twin-linked supa shoota, Fighta Ace (Fighta Ace)

+ Heavy Support +
    * Big Gunz
        * Big Gun 2x Grot Krew, Kannon
        * Big Gun 2x Grot Krew, Kannon
        * Big Gun 2x Grot Krew, Kannon
        * Runtherd Grabba Stikk
    * Big Gunz
        * Big Gun 2x Grot Krew, Kannon
        * Big Gun 2x Grot Krew, Kannon
        * Big Gun 2x Grot Krew, Kannon
        * Runtherd Grabba Stikk
    * Big Gunz
        * Big Gun 2x Grot Krew, Kannon
        * Big Gun 2x Grot Krew, Kannon
        * Big Gun 2x Grot Krew, Kannon
        * Runtherd Grabba Stikk

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All being well I will take lots of pictures for everyone to see.