
Just a quick post this morning as I rub the sleep from my eyes whilst awaiting the caffeine to kick in.

The 'battle of the box' rages in the middle as the remaining factions close in...

Saturday night Wolfy and I got in another Kill Team free-for-all with Bob and Mike (another new guy). Caught between a Dark Angels crossfire (we assume one side was fallen though neither was claiming that title...), the Fem Fa'Tau flailed away in one corner with impressive volleys of fire matched with abysmal die rolls. Her new toy the frightening DS8-support drone named FU-M80 also made its battlefield debut.

With an average of 80% casualties, its no wonder the chapter is on its last legs...

In my corner the Rainbow Warriors once again turned in their standard performance of 'at least I didn't get tabled' though as usual it was a close run thing. T'was a fun game with Bob stealing victory from the Tau in the bottom of the last tun following a long, drawn out (and for his Dark Angels embarrassing) close combat fight.

Once the crowd hits the stage, the food fight begins!

Lastly, yesterday my beloved Wolfy and I attended a local music festival, mainly to see one of my favorite bands: Southern Culture on the Skids. Their albums are okay to listen to, but they're fantastic in concert! Also, I don't recommend wearing anything too nice to the show as its not a proper SCOTS concert until the fried chicken and Little Debbies start flying thru the air!