
With 40k purchases on infini-hold following the release of 8th ed, I've gone looking elsewhere on what to waste my hobby $$$ on. 15mm gaming still intrigues to me despite never having ever played anything in that scale. With the demise of my Gruntz army due mainly to the confusing ruleset, I've still been looking about and picked up Team Yankee's little rule book (a close kin to the 40k variety) for the cost of shipping alone ($7) from the warstore.com.

I haven't had time to dig into it yet as the past week was quite busy including a trip to South Carolina for a wedding. Additionally, yesterday's hobby time was largely consumed with boxing up Bob's cheddar Grey Knight army to be deployed to its new home in Arkansas. Indeed bubble wrapping 20-30 super pointy minis takes far longer than one would think...

That said there's no rush to read it I suppose. Forget the lack of any known players locally, rather $900 spent in unexpected vehicular maintenance this week has more or less eliminated any hobby purchases for the foreseeable future.

Sad face.