
Look who's trapped in my mud-slow paint queue...

Aways back Kushial came into a horde of Battletech tanks for a steal. Looking thru his extras, I asked how much he wanted for a lance of Manticore tanks. Knowing that hobby funds are sometimes tight for me, he asked if I'd paint a dreadnought for him in exchange for the tanks. Sure, works for me!

A few tanks in need of a refurb...

The Dreadnought to be painted is a Leviathan with storm cannon and grav-flux bombard. Yeah that sounds scary, though to be honest I have no idea what those weapons do. I asked if his color scheme was lavender with pink accents, to which he curtly replied no, lol.

I suppose I could paint the Contemptor lavender and pink, but following my Salamanders dread and the Leviathan, that would be like painting 3.5 dreads, so I'm pretty sure its safe from that fate!

Instead a Lions of Harlech Contemptor was supplied along with the Leviathan to act as a sort of color guide. Speaking of, I know that Kushial and Neverness played a game of 8th ed Sunday, however these two weren't present for the battle as they're currently in my possession, so Neverness: you're welcome!