Vox traffic indicates that the ENTIRE Lions of Harlech Space Marine chapter is mustering for an all-out assault/extraction attempt on the nearby Rainbow Warriors’ home world…

Hell, even the Rainbow Warriors don't use pink paint!

MWUHAHAHAHAHA!!! I had to do it! I just HAD to!!!! Seriously, who uses white primer under dark colors anyways??? 

No worries pal, this little diversion will soon be covered by BLACK primer (but that layer o’ pink will always be under there)… Also, I took the liberty of removing the torso mounted parchments, I have something better in mind (and no it doesn’t involve the color pink!). 

I also removed the Space Wolf from the base for ease of painting. Speaking of the base, I may add a rock or two to break up that large expanse of nothing in front. Not sure yet but we’ll see…