Yeah...screw that, now pass the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy-mmMMmm...gravy! Oh and there's pie! Don't forget the pie!!!


A little ways back, I said that I had a plan to revitalize my Beloved Wolfy’s Fem Fa’Tau. It was simple really: Every other painted mini would be a tau mini. And then…Dreadtober hit, and the Tau haven’t been heard from since! Worse yet, I only painted one mini during that time (and then got sick shortly thereafter).

Turns out, I was for once true to my word (well, hobby-wise), and I actually did paint some Tau minis, two in fact. Primarily whilst waiting for the inordinate amount of ink I slathered onto that dread to dry. 

Ya know, they say the camera adds 20 mistakes,
but then you take pics from four different angles...

These two breachers are deceptively difficult to paint, because I’m not inking and dry brushing the hell out of ‘em like I normally do. All the filth and grime that usually coats my minis hides a hellova lot of mistakes, meaning with these I instead have to actually fix said mistakes when painting her Tau rather than just hide them. That said, I do rather like em, as does my Wolfy.

I still need to assemble another three plus their savior drone (or whatever its called) for the squad minimum. Once that’s done, then hopefully we can see how they perform in combat via Kill Team.