
Rather than (*try to*) paint a horde of 30k Salamaders, get bored, and sell 'em off ala my 30k Alpha Legion army, I decided to mix it up a bit and just do a horde of loyalist Istvaan survivors. WHICH...adds in the option of very...colorful...black...armor. Maybe I'll add in some black shields who've renounced their colors and are painted as ANGRY MAHREENZ!! in black (again? seriously?).


Once primed black, I just have to paint the eye lenses and call 'em raven guard, and/or iron hands right?

Anyways, I (literally) 're-armed' my flamer tactical support squad with bolters and then added a bunch of battlefield debris to their bases, and that of several others totaling 12 marines. These will (very shortly) be primed black since its warm today, unlike yesterday and the rest of the week. 

Speaking of...

My Ghar rebel commander finally finished doggy-paddling its way across the Atlantic, and I assembled that as well and will also be priming that alongside the marines above. Being a metal/plastic hybrid, its a woefully top-heavy model. Luckily my earlier decision to add a bunch of rocks to my Ghar's bases offsets this somewhat, though I'll still have to be careful when fielding it.

It shall remain in pieces for now for ease of painting.