
Yes, because this is fair...

Kushial and I finally were able to get our all tank Battletech game in after I had to cancel on him some ways back. He was running his fully painted, Federated Suns Caselton Militia, and his force consisted of:

2 Alacorns
1 Ontos
1 Schrek
2 Saladins
1 Pegasus
1 Hetzer

All were base variants with standard 4/5 (Gunnery/Piloting) crews.

I was playing the 'bad guys' aka: the Fucking Wobblies, of which none were painted. I had a Level II consisting of:

4 LBX Manticores
1 Schrek AC Carrier with Precision Ammo
1 Kurita Behemoth

All had 3/5 crews except for the Schrek which had a 2/5  (my command tank).

His Hetzer finishes off the 1st of my Manticores...

I had advanced technology vs. his tried and true preference of overwhelming brute force! Things started off well for me with the behemoth dropping 2 of his tanks in as many turns. That said it missed partaking in the middle point of the battle due to being (1), bereft of targets and (2) mud-fucking-slow!

Meanwhile, there was armored clusterfuck at knife fighting range on the other side of the table, in which I saw my Manticores all go up in flames. His force didn't fare too much better, and by game's end all I had left was a badly beaten up Behemoth (with only 1 point of armor left on it's turret) vs. an equally chewed up Saladin and a moderately damaged Alacorn.

With that, my Wobblies raised the white flag and in typical fashion, they summarily nuked the planet from orbit.

A 3-turn montage of many tanks (but mostly mine) dying!

Sorry, there weren't too many pics and of those that were taken, most were badly out of focus. Despite my defeat, we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, and I'm sure we'd both be up for this kind of game again in the future.