
Previously its been painted who knows how many times (at least 4 or 5 I'm thinking, one atop the other with no stripping in between). Then I sunk it in the simple green for a year and a half, scraping the resulting muck off only to start and stop painting once again, mid-project. Then I shelved it for another 6 months or so. However, now my ancient predator (my first ever GW purchase) is getting repainted yet again! 


When we last saw this venerable old wreck, it was bearing a partial Alpha Legion scheme for 30k. But...I didn't much like how it was turning out (seems what works on infantry doesn't necessarily translate to vehicles) and then I sold that army rendering the paint moot. I pondered selling it, but instead opted to repaint it (per tradition), this time in the colors of my Rainbow Warriors.


Currently its kinda plain and I think I'll keep it that way, opting instead for the usual grime and filth to be added after decals. As for those, I'm thinking of lightning streaks behind white aquilas (will have to root thru the decal collection to see what I have), maybe with rainbow painted feathers. 

In the harsh glare of this is iphone pic, you can see that the edges have been cleaned up and its pretty much ready for iconography and dirtying up.

Will see, but its proceeding nicely so far...